Monday, 17 March 2014

how to create delegate in c# with example.


delegate means transfer power to someone.delegate looking same function to pointer in C or C++.using delegate method    allows the programmer to encapsulate a reference to method inside a delegate object.

Two types delegate 1) single cast : One object referring one function show example 1.
                              2)  multi cast : One object referring many function. show example 2.

signature should be same which function pass to delegate.
In delegate show main three point
  1) Declaring a delegate.

Declare a new delegate type.each delegate describes the number and types of argument and type of return value of methods that ti can encapsulate. 
The following statement  :- delegate void mydel(int a, int b);

     2) Instantiating a delegate. 
Once create delegate after create instantiating object must create associated with a particular method. argument pass with new expression is special .it is written like a method call, but without the argument to the method.
The following statement :-  mydel d1 = new mydel(p.add); (This is for single cast).
                                          d1+= new mydel(p.multiply); (This is for multi cast).

 3)Calling a delegate.
Once delegate object create . delegate object typically pass to other code .that will call delegate.
The following statement :- d1(4, 5);

Use delegate show the example 1.


example 2:



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